Posts tagged Entrepreneur
Ep 123 - The Evolution of NCG

The ENDDDD OF AN ERAAA or not! It kinda feels that way, but what we can say is that recording 123 episodes to date has been an accomplishment the Non-Corporate Girls never saw happening. Single-handedly it is a milestone both Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) committed to more than any other and now it’s onward.

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Ep 118 - Luminate The Space You're In with Cate Luzio

As founders it is always refreshing to catch up with a fellow founder. In this case the Non-Corporate Girls, Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) had the amazing opportunity to catch up with Cate Luzio (@cateluzio), founder of Luminary, a space that provides educational resources and tools to empower professionals forward.

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